Monday 29 April 2013

A Lost Star

No one is perfect, nor was she..She seemed like a peaced out, calm and a like a girl who was content with her life. BUT no. Things are way too different from what they seem from outside. Her name was Emily, also known as the nerd of the school. N-E-R-D ..When you hear this word, you picture a girl, with two neat plaits tied with satin ribons at the end, braces on her crooked teeth, brownish-black hair, not so cheer leader kind of body and not to forget, Big black glasses covering half of her face, yes. That was exactly how she was. Emily, an absolutely sweet girl, brilliant in academics and totally a champion! People seemed to envy her intelligence. She had always been a ranker in her school.
    Worst thing in her life was,

Saturday 27 April 2013

A Girl Who Never Stopped Smiling

This is a story of a teenage girl...she was brunette. She had dark brown eyes, which seemed to hide an untold story, A normal teen, who never felt she was pretty enough, never felt she was good enough for anyone, but she knew how to make the most of her life, and trust me..she did.. because she always SMILED..she had a smile which was one in a million, most meaningful, most honest, maybe not that beautiful for the rest because they always went for the outer beauty and never gave a damn about whats inside...but a guy walked in her life, and well changed her life maybe for good..maybe for bad..